Our Herd is Family!

Like human’s every horse is born with a unique and distinctive temperament. Our Mission is to nurture each and every one of these beautiful souls that enters our stables and to provide them every opportunity to blossom into the fullest and richest expression of themselves.

OLIVER: Morgan, Palomino: Registered Name: Get Down Tonight!
Olie certainly lives up to his name as he provides endless hours of entertainment to both his human and horse companions. Olie’s shenanigans can prove to be a source of annoyance at times, but he is so darn cute that it is hard to not forgive him. Countless moments are shared rolling our eyes in expressions of disbelief at Olie’s propensity for getting into a bind. Olie might more appropriately have sported the name “Denise the Menice.” At the tender age of 3, Olie came into George’s life. Now age 8, Olie and George have spent the last 5 years together, joined at the hip. When it comes to partnerships, there isn’t a tighter bond. Olie is one of the fab-four that will accompany us on our trek from Colorado to Canada. Without a doubt, Olie’s personality will keep things lively!

BLIZZARD: Appendix Quarter Horse, Sorrel
Born during the blizzard of 2009, she came by her name honestly. The winter storm passed, but, Blizzard’s personal storm raged on. As an orphaned foal, keeping Blizzard alive was a full-time job for her humans. Blizzard was a fighter and survived only to be sold off and endured 3 long years of severe emotional and physical abuse … ending up lame. With a soft spot for the underdog and abused, George rescued Blizzard from her hell, and for the last 6 years has showered her with tender love and care. Blizzard enjoys enforcing her mare-ness amongst the herd, the family she never had. She has settled comfortably into a life of peace and serenity that she deserves. Although Blizzard can be temperamental at times, we view it as her subtle and constant reminder to us that she has not forgotten the harm she suffered at the hands of humans in her past. With that in mind, every day we appreciate that Blizzard has chosen to put her trust in us. In loving gratitude, Blizzard will be the guardian of our herd that remains at home when we make our trek to Canada.

BALTHAZAR: BLM Mustang, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, Dark Grey/Appaloosa
Is this majestic creature a reincarnate … a Ghost from the past … certainly, not intentionally? Balthazar displays an eerie likeness of George’s beloved Ghost, whom he lost nearly a year ago. During his quest to fill the hooves of Ghost who was intended to make the trek to Canada, George came upon this beautifully wild Mustang at The Great Escape Mustang Sanctuary (GEMS). Although there are many similarities, with Balthazar “It was in the eyes,” says George. “He wouldn’t take his eyes off me for a second.” The path with Balthazar has not been easy, with slow, forward progress being made daily. Over the four months since we adopted him, Balthazar has made George work hard for everything he gives back … give-and-take, yin-and-yang, ç'est la vie, as it should be. With more patience than a saint could summon, George works tirelessly toward a mutually beneficial bond of trust. We have a long road ahead, before the long walk. Balthazar is one of the fab-four that will accompany us on our trek to Canada.

MUSTANG SALLY: BLM Mustang, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado, Flea-bitten Grey
She stole my heart! I first knew Sally as Pepper. She was part of a BLM round-up off the Sand Wash Basin in 2010 when she was seven. Her previous owner adopted her with the intention of using her as a pack horse. In the end, he held her in a pen for six years where she received little to no hands-on interaction. We were asked to help move her to a new barn, as her owner was giving her up. Haltering her and helping George load her into the trailer took a couple of hours… and it wasn’t pretty. She had so much heart, so much spirit, yet she was so scared. Her fear was familiar to me and I felt a strong and undeniable affinity to her. I didn’t intend to adopt a new horse, but, I followed my intuition and told George that very night that I was keeping her. I renamed her Mustang Sally in honor of her heritage. Sally and I forged a nearly instantaneous bond that grows stronger every day. Sally is one of the fab-four that will make the trek to Canada with us.

KIP: Quarter Horse, Phantom Paint

CHLOE Few Spots: Spanish Mustang, Appaloosa
Chloe was only three years old when George first met her. She had been tucked away in the back of a barn, left to herself after being separated from her foal. She was brought out of the barn and put in a tiny stall with no sunlight. She was a mess, to say the least. Skinny and scared with no interest in interacting with people. George visited her every day trying to bring her out of her shell, until one day she approached him. The rest, as they say, is history. Chloe was the first horse George owned outright, and after ten years together, one only need to be around them for a few minutes to feel the connection they share. We call Chloe our “babysitter”. She has taken care of so many people, from children to adults. People who were scared of horses, people who have never ridden horses, children who have suffered loss, people who have come off horses and needed rehab … she has schooled so many people it is hard to keep count. Chloe is the horse who knows what you need, even if you don’t. Chloe was the lead mare of the herd until this past year, when she went fully blind in both eyes. We were devastated and saddened that our shining star was no longer able to participate in camps and lessons … so, we thought! We left her in the pasture one day during a lesson and the racket she made was ear-splitting. She made it clear to us that blindness did not make her useless … another lesson to human’s … she never stops teaching. Her herd stands by her today, and so do we! In loving gratitude, Chloe, for all you have given to so many.

JEWEL: Quarter Horse, Pony, Bay

ISAAC: Tennessee Walker, Pony, Black
Isaac is newest addition to our herd … since Christmas 2017. He is a 17-year-old, sweet-tempered little pocket pony. His previous mom was an endurance rider. Although Isaac never participated in an endurance event himself, he certainly knows what it means to hit the trail. He is a joy to ride … a bit like riding a couch. Isaac is currently on a diet due to his weight issues and I am sure he is convinced that he is being starved to death. Isaac is an honest, straight-forward little guy, who is going to blend in nicely with his new herd-mates. We also believe Isaac is going to be a superstar in the Equine Gestalt Coaching work when that program goes into full swing, in the spring of 2019. We look forward to watching his progress and development.

GHOST: Appaloosa
I take my usual morning walk to the pasture to throw the hay. A sense of foreboding comes over me. As I always do, I count the heads waiting for me at the gate, not with their usual energy, one, two, three, four … but not a fifth. I look into the eyes of the four and know before I see the lifeless body of Ghost laying by the shelter. No signs of a struggle, no obvious thing had struck down this strong, proud creature … it was a peaceful passing. Thank you for all you taught me. Rest in peace, my friend.


In the words of a horseman:

Don’t mistreat my horses, I like them way more than I like humans.